Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch elm disease (DED) has been devastating American elm trees in the Twin Cities since the 1960’s. Through the years, we have learned a great deal about the disease, and its treatment. Removals of diseased elm trees can be very expensive due to their size, which makes protection of elm trees even more sensible.
Is there a cure for Dutch elm disease?
No, however preventive injections greatly reduce the chance of an infection.
How often do preventive injections need to be done?
We recommend preventive treatments are done every two years for maximum effectiveness.
An elm tree in the neighborhood has been marked, should I worry about my tree?
Yes! The disease can spread through shared root systems of elm trees. Most outbreaks, however start from elm bark beetles carrying fungal spores from an infected elm to a healthy tree.
How is a tree treated?
Small holes (about ¼”) are drilled around the trees root flare into the water conducting tissue of an elm. Using a contained pressurized tank, we hook up a circuit of tubing to supply the holes with a systemic fungicide with the active ingredient of propiconazole. We prefer this fungicide, as it is less acidic than the alternatives, which can cause decay near injection sites. There are many subtleties to a successful injection, and our decades of work on hundreds of trees has given us valuable experience.
Can my elm be protected?
We will provide you with a free evaluation to determine if your tree is a candidate for treatment. Just call or email and let our experience work for your trees.